Senin, 25 Oktober 2010


ž  Color  is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, green, blue and others.
ž  Ideas can be communicated through color without the use of either written or verbal language, and emotional response to individual colors alone or in combinations often predictable.
ž  Colors evoke specific emotional responses. For example, red can be powerful, exciting, passionate, and daring. To develop an accurate response to the language of color, it is first necessary to understand the harmony of the color, which means knowing what colors to use and in what order and proportion to create a desire mood, to communicate an idea.

How to use color
Working with color to achieve intended results can be a challenge, but it can also be fun! Before learning what colors to use in order to achieve the best results, one must first understand some basic color terms. Each primary, secondary, and tertiary color is at level of full saturation, or brightness, which means that there is no black, white, or gray added. Color is described in terms of value, which is the lightness or darkness of a color, or the relative amount of white or black in a color.
Primary, secondary, and tertiary

The process
ž  STEP 1:
       Clearly define the results you want to achieve with color.
ž  STEP 2
       Select a main color that reflects the needs of the project.
ž  STEP 3
       Select a color scheme based on the choice of the central hue.
ž  STEP4
       Refine the available color choices in terms of the particular project or individual sensibility.

Aspects of color
ž  The aspects, or qualities of color, refer to colors and color combinations that evoke certain emotional responses. Light and dark is the basic distinction. Without sunlight or artificial light, there is no color. The following aspects of color contain color combinations that exist in harmony with each other.

ž  In the visual arts — in particular painting, graphic design, photography and sculpture — composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work. It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art.
ž  The term composition means 'putting together,' and can apply to any work of art, from music to writing, that is arranged or put together using conscious thought.
ž  In graphic design and desktop publishing, composition is commonly referred to as page layout. 

How to make a composition design
ž  Set the character
ž  Set the pattern
ž  Decide the form type
ž  Control the repetition
ž  Set a good layout
ž  Set the direction
ž  Set the size
ž  Set the color

How to make an aesthetic composition design
ž  Composition is the comparison of one part to another
ž  Design is an action with the aim to explain something, and
ž  Aesthetic means the values of the characteristic and sense.
ž  So, how to make an aesthetic composition design, is we have to know how to control the comparison of a design, to reach the beauty of characteristic.

ž  Image in design usually has a function to make a more clear picture of what this design try to explain to those who see it.
ž  Image has to has a good connect with the things that tried to be explained, which means, when we want to use an image for our design, we have to make sure that the image suit to the things that being explain in our design.

The Golden Section

What is The Golden Section?
ž  The Golden Section is a ratio based on a phi.
ž  The Golden Section is also known as the Golden Mean, Golden Ratio and Divine Proportion.  It is a ratio or proportion defined by the number Phi ( = 1.618033988749895... ).
ž  And it came from the fibonacci numbers.
ž  The golden section is a line segment divided according to the golden ratio: The total length a + b is to the longer segment a as a is to the shorter segment b.
ž  Its use started as early as with the Egyptians in the design of the pyramids.  When the basic phi relationships are used to create a right triangle, it forms the dimensions of the great pyramids of Egypt, with the geometry shown below creating an angle of 51.83 degrees, the cosine of which is phi, or 0.618.
ž  The Greeks knew it as the "dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio" and used it extensively for beauty and balance in the design of the Parthenon and other architecture.
ž  It was also used in the design of Notre Dame in Paris, which was built in the 1163 and 1250.
ž  In India, it was used in the construction of the Taj Mahal, which was completed in 1648.
ž  Its use continues in modern architecture, as illustrated in the United Nations building
ž  The CN Tower in Toronto, the tallest tower and freestanding structure in the world, has contains the golden ratio in its design. The ratio of observation deck at 342 meters to the total height of 553.33 is 0.618 or phi, the reciprocal of Phi!
How to Calculate The Golden Section?
ž  Fibonacci Numbers
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, …
ž  In the fibonacci numbers, the result of the addition of two first numbers, is the number after that.
1 + 2 = 3
2 + 3 = 5
3 + 5 = 8,...
ž  The division of the number before and the number after, will have the same result which is phi (Φ), which is the golden section.
233 / 144 = 1,618
377 / 233 = 1,618
610 / 377 = 1,618
987 / 610 = 1,618
1597 / 987 = 1,618,...
The Remarkableness OF THE GOLDEN SECTION
ž  We can find the golden section everywhere, architect also use this to build a good proportion buliding, but actually we can find it even in our own body. All the ratio that created in this world actually use the golden section. For example:
ž  The distance from top of fingers until the elbow, divided by the distance from wirst until the elbow=1.618
ž  The distance from the navel until the top of the head,divided by the distance from shoulder until the top of the head=1.618
ž  The length of the face divided by the width of it=1.618
ž  And so many other example.
The Golden Section Behind The Beuty
ž  The golden section even interpreted as the ratio to make a face of human look beautiful or not. Our attraction to another person's body increases if that body is symmetrical and in proportion. Likewise, if a face is in proportion, we are more likely to notice it and find it beautiful. Scientists believe that we perceive proportional bodies to be healthier.
ž  This mask of the human face is based on the Golden Ratio. The proportions of the length of the nose, the position of the eyes and the length of the chin, all conform to some aspect of the Golden Ratio.
ž  When placed over the photo of Jessica Simpson, we see there is a good fit (that is, the proportions of her face fit the geometrically "nice" proportions of the mask, based on the Golden Ratio). So, her beauty is mathematical!

The Golden Section in Architecture
ž  Some studies of the Acropolis, including the Parthenon, conclude that many of its proportions approximate the golden ratio. The Parthenon's facade as well as elements of its facade and elsewhere are said to be circumscribed by golden rectangles. To the extent that classical buildings or their elements are proportioned according to the golden ratio, this might indicate that their architects were aware of the golden ratio and consciously employed it in their designs. Alternatively, it is possible that the architects used their own sense of good proportion, and that this led to some proportions that closely approximate the golden ratio.



-          Brochure is the promotion media for the consumer to know more about the product or product knowledge.
-          The definition of brochure, according to UNESCO, brochure is a non-periodical publication that has no hard binding, at least have 5 pages but less than 48 pages.
-          A brochure (also referred to as a pamphlet) is a type of leaflet.

-          Brochure or pamphlet content information or explanation about a product, service, public facilities, company profile, school, or a promotion media.
-          The explanation in a brochure must be succinct, and easily understood.
-          A brochure has to be attractive and eye-catching, and has to be printed on a good paper, to build a good image for the company that try to promote their product or service.
-          A good design is more than what meets the eye. Keep in mind that the goal of your material is to communicate an idea. So, it is important that you create a design that focuses more on the function more than the look.
-          Your design should not be about you. A good designer creates materials that are aimed at answering the customer's need, while a bad designer designs materials that are intend for his own personal intention.
-          A good design communicates the benefits of your products or services effectively.
-          Create a design you believe in.
-          A good design uses good principle.

Next, i`ll show you some of the good examples of a brochure:


next assignment! Making a Booklet

When i first got this lesson about booklet in the DDC class, i was wondering what is booklet? Is it similar with brochure or pamphlet or what? To find out the answers, i did some research from some sources. Hopefully my research could help you all if you also have the same question as i did.
So, What is Booklet?

Booklet is the society communication media that has the purpose to deliver a message to the society, that usually about promotion and prohibition that has a print-out form or look like a book. The main purpose of making a booklet is to make the society which is has the role as the object to understand and follow the message that being sent by the Booklet or this society communication media.
Why Booklet is a good media for communication in society?
Nowadays, we live in a high technology life, where everything has to be practical and easy. And this high technology life, at last makes the society life in a very fast and more global life. Distance and time is no more a big problem in these days life. Booklet and its use as one of the communication media, that also has a strong connection with this high-technology era, could be the alternative way for the society to be a very efficient communication media. It also has an efficient on its process and its result, so we can say that booklet could be the alternative way for this instant and fast life.

And the next question would be, How to make a good Booklet?
If you want to come up with an effective booklet, you should give more attention to its cover. The cover gets the first impression and it must telegraph the personality with the message it conveys. What you need to come up with is covers that will make them want to open it often and be convinced with its content and services. Most booklet make use of attractive and inviting photos on the cover, without the identification and without contents or name of the product. These blind covers on booklet absolutely tell nothing about products or even the services but it captures attention. However, to other readers, it would not be any important.

Therefore, to make sure, you need to have a booklet design that will make the people want to look deeper in your booklet. You should highlight the important facts in your booklet. This will guide the customers about what is new in your services and products or anything else. In order to keep them highlighted, they should be in a different font and color to be recognized. So the point is, you need to know how to make a successful and effective booklet, which includes the standards, quality, design and style. What is important is that you know how to harmonize the colors, size, background and the context of the booklet printing process.

All those informations i got from some good sources, have given me enough knowledge about booklet, and next assignment, well, no doubt : Making a Booklet!!
I decided to make a booklet that could give a useful explanation and at the same time could also promote something. And finally i chose to make a booklet about : Wonders of Spain.
So, this booklet intended to deliver an explanation about how beautiful Spain is, and at the same time, promote the country.
I tried to apply all knowledge i`ve got from my research to my work on this booklet. From my research, i know that the most important thing of a booklet, beside its content, is it has to have an attractive and eye-catching cover. Since my booklet is about Wonders of Spain, i put many amazing pictures of Spain`s wonders in the cover. The purpose of doing this is to invite people to come and read it because they will attracted by the photos displayed on the cover.

And for the content, i tried to focus on all theories and also tried to make it based on the basic principle of designing booklet, such as; unity, contrast, harmony, proportion, rhythm, and balance.

1.       Unity
The elements that exist in my booklet are; images, text, title, etc. Unity here means that we have to unite them, because a booklet actually is a unity, one page doesn`t goes for its page only; it goes for the whole booklet. To get the unity, I chose the same background color (look at the pictures)for the whole booklet. I also chose the same font for the title and for the text. Because if it`s all has the different types, it won`t look unite together, it will look like each page stands for itself, which is a big mistakes for a project such as a booklet.
2.       Contrast
Contrast intended to make the effort for the booklet, so it can catch attention. And for this part, I chose to get its contrast by showing the wonders’ pictures. And by the elegant and not too much coloring background, the contrast will be very good, and people would get the focus on the pictures and the title, which also will attract them to see the whole pages of the booklet.
Unity, Contrasty, Harmony

3.       Harmony
The main purpose of this booklet is to tell the reader about the Wonders of Spain, which also about the beauty of architecture and history there. So it is about the beauty, right? And so, to make a good harmony between them, I chose the type of Font which also looks pretty and also make the layout looks good with all pictures contained there. So the harmony here is by choosing the right design for every item that exists in this booklet.
4.       Proportion
Proportion here means that we have to know how to make a good combination from the size of the font, the type of the font, the layout of the text, the pictures, etc. This booklet uses a big enough size for the text and also for the title, so that everyone can read it. The type of the font used here also harmonizes with the whole booklet. And the layout of the pictures, the title, and the text in each pages made to make it look more attractive, but not too much, since this is not a too cheerful booklet, it`s more elegant one, so everything should be in a good and right proportion.
Placing the photos and the text in a various way to make a good Proportion

5.       Rhythm
Actually, a booklet is just a book with the text, and maybe with pictures, and it could be so boring for anyone to read it. And that`s why we have to make people get interest to see and read it. Booklet should know how to drives the eyes who look at them to the right place, so that tit could reach its purpose. For this booklet, I'll take an example; from the top they`ll see the title or the name of the wonders with that pretty type of font, and then they`ll see the pictures and amazed with its beauties and will be so excited to read the text about it, so that`s how the rhythm goes (as you can see from all my booklet`s pages i`ve shown here).
6.       Balance here means that we can`t be too focus on one part of the design, we have to get the focus to all of it and make sure it is balance. For example, in this booklet, it has enough pictures and enough text, because, for example, if it has too many words, people would get bored and it won`t be so interesting anymore, also if it has too many pictures with little explanation, people won`t get the information clearly from the booklet and it`s going to be useless and will not reach its purpose which is to tell the reader about the wonders of Spain. So everything has to have a balance.

Balance is important
And last but not least, how you bind the booklet also matter, because a bad bind would make the booklet look ugly, so you have to make sure choosing the right bind for the booklet. And for my booklet, i chose the spiral type of binding, because i think this one is the most ideal one fro any kind of booklet.
Spiral bind
And that is my Booklet for the assignment! Hopefully i got a good mark for this project :D


First Lesson : Poster

A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors, and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork. Another type of poster is the educational poster, which may be about a particular subject for educational purposes.
The main purpose of making a poster is to deliver a message, and while we`re delivering the message, design it as eye-catching as we could is a must! Because people won't be so interest to see a boring poster, right? But however, first of all, focus on the main purpose, which is: to communicate a message. How to make a communicative poster? The main thing is: make sure the text is clear enough and easy to be read. We have to make sure that the poster we are making has a clear enough text and can be read in an ideal distance (about 1-1.5 meters). So, the size, the type, and the layout of the text is the main thing and the main rules of designing a Poster. An interesting layout, background, type of font, and Colors also very important in designing Poster. Especially colors. After you make sure your Poster is clear enough, you also have to make sure it has a good color combining. Because the bad combining and proportion of colors would annoy the reader. So,make sure you know how to combine the color, and make sure the colors also communicate about the content of you Poster. 
There are some basic rules of making a poster. Posters are an advertising tool meant to capture the attention of customers while one the move. Poster printing is not worth the cost unless it successfully brings a high ROI (Return of Investment). The difficult part of designing posters is that they have to be able to capture attention in one glance, and in that one glance, a reader should be able to immediately discern the message. Therefore, following some basic graphic design rules is vital to the effectiveness of your posters.
1.      Limit your text. For maximum text use 1/3 text to 2/3 visuals. So you have to limit the text for your poster design, otherwise people will not pay attention on your poster and will not get the message that your poster try to deliver, since they will be lazy to read a poster that is full of text. And a poster with a too much texts will not be so interesting, it will be boring instead.
2.      Choose an image or two that portrays your message well. Images should be able to capture attention and also relate to the purpose of the poster.
3.      Use no more than two types and only three or four font sizes. Order of importance determines which size to use for text. For instance, the headline should be the largest, while the benefits should be a smaller size.
4.      Don’t go overboard on color. The background should be a muted color or should contrast the text color. Because when a poster doesn’t have a contrast between the background and the text, it will confuse the people who see it. And it also will ruin the main purpose of the poster, that is to deliver a message to the people.
5.      When it comes to the layout, leave lots of space. Control the eye flow by grouping information logically and using space to draw the reader through the layout.
6.      Design more than one layout. Try different colors, fonts, sizes to see what is the most appealing.
7.      Finding the right company for poster printing can be a hassle. Use a wholesale printer for low cost but also make sure to find one that uses the four color method. A printer should offer several sizes, paper types, and other services that you might need.
Don`t forget the posters are for reaching a large amount of people in certain areas, so once you have designed an intriguing poster, place it in the locations with the highest traffic. Then sit back and wait for the results of your tasteful and appealing poster. And anyway, to reach you goal on making poster, which is to deliver a message to many people, it is not a sin to make or to show some oddity, such as; wrong grammar, or weird font, or very bright font colors, with the purpose to attract more attention, as long as it will not bother the clarity of the Poster. These are some examples of a posters design.


This is the poster i made for the firs assignment:

The rules of this assignment is to make a poster without any picture. This poster is about a prohibition of smoking in campus area. i chose a big "scary" and red colored font to make it looks a bit dramatize, and i chose yellow for the "campus area", showing the symbol color of University of Indonesia, which is yellow. This poster is a simple poster, but i think it really emphasize the thing that needed to be emphasized here, which is the message of do not smoking in campus area, it doesnt have to be a too much-decoration poster one to deliver this kind of message, that`s why i made it that way.